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Daycare Curriculum Click Here

Here is a list of activities that your child will be engaging in to help his or her growth development:

Arts and crafts- Children love to paint, draw and explore with crayons and markers. This will help get those little creative juices flowing.

Games­- like Go Fish, Mama May I, Match Cards, Simon Says and so much more!! These games will help stimulate thinking & listening skills.

Sharing and getting along with others- Your child will learn to practice the (Golden Rule) “Treat People The Way You Want To Be Treated”

Bible studies- This will introduce your child to God and teach them to follow biblical principles that Jesus taught like, prayer, thankfulness and obedience. It will be on a level that they can comprehend and implement in their lives.

Carpet Time! - Your child will engage in singing fun creative songs, listen & participate in stories that are exciting and keep them alert. Carpet time teaches children how to communicate in a group setting and express their feelings.

Clean UP Time- After play time, I will teach your child how to place items in its proper place & learn the clean up song to make it fun. This will help your child to develop organization skills.

ABC’s & 123’s- Your child will be learning the sounds for each letter and recognizing them. Also learning how to count.

The signs of inappropriate touching

Never talk or go with a stranger

Fire safety

Potty training if needed

And so much more

A healthy Diet- At God’s precious seed day care food nutrition is very important. The kind of foods that a child eats has a major affect on their growth and development. In my home daycare your child’s meals will be prepared to meet their daily nutritional needs. So never any junk food here!

Proper Hand hygiene. To keep a clean and safe environment and avoid your child from getting sick and spreading germs to others, your child will learn the importance of properly washing his/her hands after doing the following:

After playing with toys, before eating a meal, after using the restroom, coming in from the store, shaking some ones hand etc… Your child will also learn the habit of reminding other children to wash their hands and as well.

Parents will also be reminded before interacting with their child to wash their hands. A Sanitizer dispenser will be at the door as soon as you walk in. This will help stop the spread of harmful virus, bacteria, and germs.

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